Birding / Nature Guide for Lincolnshire

Would you like to see the Birds, Wildlife and Nature of Lincolnshire?

Let Greenspaces take you to discover unspoilt and special parts of this unique county.

Some of the things you might see are breeding grey seals, heronries, spring migrants including nightingales, birds of prey, spectacular high tide wader roosts, special winter waterfowl, farmland birds, a cruise on the Wash, butterflies and dragonflies/damselflies, wildflower meadows.  All dependent on the time of year.


Lincolnshire's Winter Wonderland 

LINCOLNSHIRE is a really amazing place but in the winter it comes into its own,
In the planning stage for November 2021.


High Tide Spectacular - Waders Of The Wash 

JOIN STEVE LOVELL your guide for the day to view one of natures absolute spectacles.  Dates to follow upon release of 2022 Tide Tables.


Tailor Made Lincolnshire

Let us put together an itinerary of your personal choice.


High Tide Spectacular - Waders Of The Wash 

JOIN STEVE LOVELL your guide for the day to view one of natures absolute spectacles , yes waders in their thousands coming to a high tide roost and then flying back out over your head to the sanctuary of the wash as the tide recedes.  


Informative , easy paced with moderate walking, all on the flat please dress according to the weather conditions .
Whilst we will be viewing the waders we will also be looking out for anything else that may be of interest . 

It will be an early start to catch the tide so please take this into consideration , I can book you overnight accommodation if you wish to stop over .

  • Transport from and back to a central meeting point .
  •  A light Picnic lunch featuring (Tastes of Lincolnshire ).
  • Coffee / tea for the day. A checklist for the day .
  • All guiding and driving services for the day .

This event is available at a cost of £70 per person.
Dates to follow upon release of 2022 Tide Tables.


Below is just a snapshot of what Lincolnshire has to offer, there is so much more to see.

Last of the Grey Seals, big numbers of birds on the Wash, Wildfowl on inland lakes, gravel pits and estuaries. A great time to go looking for Roe Deer at dusk in their favoured sites.

Dependant on the weather what is happening, good for farmland birds and raptors at their regular roost sites. A good chance to try and connect with the secretive Otter.

First visible signs of migration, departing winter species and early arrivals. Longer days and a bit more interest.

Migration gets underway with a stream of arrivals at a host of sites. Spring birdsong setting a new challenge to nature watchers with the exception of the unique song of the Nightingale. A great chance to look for early spring flowers in the woods and verges.

The last of the summer migrants arrive with maybe one or two rarities included. Bluebells are at their very best early in the month. All birds settling into their breeding routine. A great chance to brush up on your native Tree and Shrub identification. Woodlands are at their very best at this time. Early season damsels and dragonflies are on the wing with the Hobbies the magnificent aerial predator hot in pursuit. It is also the best month to watch raptors such as Red Kite and Buzzards soaring on the thermals.

The month when wildflowers are at their peak in the meadows and protected roadside verges and well worth a viewing. Time to watch the aerial antics of the newly fledged Peregrines in the skies around Lincoln Cathedral.

Planning ahead and booking well in advance this might be the time to go out on the’ Boston Belle’ on the Wash and enjoy the Lincolnshire Coastline from a completely different perspective . It is the time for the first of the returning migrants.

A transitional month with birds moulting prior to their long migration, but it is spectacular with very high tides bringing the returning waders off the saltmarsh and onto the high tide roost sites at the coast. With many thousands of birds at close quarters many in their splendid breeding plumage it is something not to be missed. This is both a great time to brush up on your wader ID skills and also brings good photographic opportunities
High tides continue, bird numbers in their thousands. Swallows and martins gather prior to migration – a real change over time. For a month from mid September onwards there is always the chance of something unusual turning up on the coast. The first of the waterfowl return to their old haunts. An opportunity to revisit the verges and meadows to see the seedheads and any late flowers.The last of the late season Dragonflies.Large numbers of Avocets gather in the Humber prior to migration.

Once called the season of mellow fruitfulness , lots to see and hear this month, with the deer rut , tree colour and big autumn skies over the wash . It is also a great time to connect up with Barn Owls hunting the meadows and verges in the wonderful autumnal light. Possibility of seeing an unusual migrant or two at the coast also a great time to engage in some seawatching to see Gannets , Auks and other species offshore .
Shorter days with everything settled into its winter quarters. Most of the Waterfowl have returned with many species of geese to be seen. Large flocks of finches aggregate to feed on the seedheads left over from summer. This is the time to make a visit to the Grey seal sanctuary to see the whole social and breeding structure taking place all with wonderful photographic opportunities or just enjoy the experience in its own right. There is the added bonus of connecting with some special shoreline species such as the Snow Bunting.

Although this is the month of the shortest days it is not lacking in wildlife opportunities. An onshore wind will bring overwintering coastal birds such as diver species in closer for observation. Its also a great time to have a drive and look around farmland for overwintering species. There is the chance of connecting with elusive reedbed species such as Bittern and Water Rail. It is also a good month for looking for raptors with Short Eared Owls being one of the highlights. Again with careful fieldcraft we may see Deer at dusk leaving cover to feed on the grasslands.

Tailor Made Lincolnshire

Let us put together an itinerary of your personal choice.
£90 per person per day, or £160 for two.

For further details see  

A few days or a week, make it as long or as short as you want, we are now working in partnership with REDHOUSE FARM Bed and Breakfast and Self Catering. It is local, friendly, comfy and in a great location just a few minutes walk from the Lincolnshire Trust Reserve of Whisby, it is truly a home away from home, it is always very popular and advance booking is always necessary .  

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