A tale of Wildlife and Varied Weather!
On Farmland good numbers of Reed Buntings were seen in several patches of ' Game ' cover at various locations throughout the county, seeming to have a particular penchant for the Millet being grown in the mix. Another specie seen which is sadly becoming rarer these days were good numbers of Yellowhammer , in a area of old hedge with a large amount of rough unmanaged growth on either side, then coming out and feeding on overwintered wheat stubbles - great finch and bunting habitat . Odd skylarks were seen just starting to get there initial songs going over there favoured fields .
Around the county several large Starling murmurations were reported with up to 15 ,000 at Wilsford near Sleaford and the continual presence of up to 25,000 at Whisby Pits . The large Corvid roost continued at Hartsholme country park with a subsidiary one of 300 + birds in some Poplar trees in Newark road in Lincoln .
The Apex Pit evening Gull roost continues to swell with estimated numbers put at 20 + thousand always worth a look through with Mediterranean and Caspian gulls being seen recently .
The Garden Bird List continues to grow with the now winter resident male Grey wagtail donning the start of his breeding plumage , he first appeared on 9/12/17 and still here at present .
There have been several sightings of both Goldcrest and Treecreeper . As the ' Beast from the East ' made its presence felt it drew Fieldfares , Redwings , and a solitary Song Thrush into the garden . These were all principally attracted to the huge untamed Ivy growing through the Oak which ' was ' festooned with berries prior to their arrival . Supplementary food in the form of suet, raisins , sultanas , mealworms ,cooked noodles this gave great opportunities for home based photography some of which are on this blog.
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